life jacket loaner station for public use at a local water access point

Life Jacket Loaner Program

Washington water access points offer life jackets for public use, free of charge. Use the map below to locate the loaner station near you, and learn about how you can sponsor one in your community.

About the program

You can visit a life jacket loaner station and borrow an infant, youth or adult life jacket for the day or weekend—at no charge. When finished, simply return the life jackets to the same station.

Life jacket loaner stations are located at many marinas, launch sites, and State parks. Our goal is to increase the use of life jackets and educate boaters about the importance of wearing a properly fitted life jacket.

The State parks boating program partners with the Washington Drowning Prevention Network.

Find a life jacket loaner station

Use the interactive map on this page to find a life jacket loaner station near you, we have over 180 stations. If you don’t find a loaner site near you, contact the local sheriff or police department. They may have life jackets available.

Host a life jacket loaner station

Are you a marina, park owner, or manager whose facility provides boating access? Are you interested in helping promote safe boating at your facility? The State parks boating program can help you create a life jacket loaner station!

The State parks boating program will provide life jackets in a variety of sizes and a durable sign with fitting directions in English and Spanish.  We will replace life jackets on an as-needed basis. You are responsible for maintaining appropriate storage and signage.

Provided by loaner station sponsor

To sponsor a life jacket loaner station, it is your responsibility to provide life jackets to the public at no cost. Loaner stations must be at water-access sites used for boating and paddling.  Locations primarily used for swimming are not eligible.

Providers are to regularly inspect life jackets, ensuring they have no rips, tears, holes, mold, etc. Dispose of any non-serviceable life jackets. Provide an annual summary report noting approximate usage of the station.  


Contact Us

Department Recreational Boating Safety Program
Phone 3609028842